Pure Relevance.

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3D vs 5D vs Multi-Dimensionality.

The 5D is all about (‘merely’ about) Perspective. The 5D + higher dimensions comprise the ‘unseen’ Universe. The unseen Universe comprises over 99% of our Life Experience. The 4D serves as the bridge between the seen + unseen Universe. The Template Level of Reality, wherein we ‘begin’ to manifest our ‘reality’.

The key is understanding there’s Greater beyond just the Mind + Body.

We’re truly multidimensional all the time, Any Time. The Frequency of the Earth (our environment + surroundings) influence what we, as individuals, ‘choose’ to do with our Vibration. The massive shift we’ve been experiencing for the past decade is that of the steady rise of the Earth’s Frequency. Thus, we’ve little choice other than to Attune our Vibration to this rising Frequency. All the ‘Programs’ influencing complacency, compliancy + hubris no longer work. + continue to malfunction with increasing speed.

We can ‘choose’ to stay with what we’ve always ‘known’. Or where we’re at. As if it were an Un-upgradeable operating system. Yet, as the Earth’s Frequency continues to rise, be-ing in ‘that’ same Vibration only creates Dissonance. Increasingly so, as ‘time’ moves on. The ‘3D’ of what we believe we’re experiencing is merely Just the physical. Meanwhile, in our Spirit, Mind + Heart, we’re continuously spanning many dimensions. How to Integrate what we ‘experience’ with other dimensions of Self.

Self-Awareness is the bridge between these two realms. The Self-Awareness work enables us to Be all the things we’d like to. Be Acceptance. Be Awareness. Be Compassion. Be Emotionally Intelligent. Be Gratitude. Be Love. Be Mindful. Be Open + Curious. Be Present. Be Understanding.

Being vigilant with Self-Awareness ‘work' integrates these aspects of the ‘unseen’. The focus shifts from the Mind, into the Heart + Spirit aspects of Self. We begin to Be more + more In the ‘unseen’. The ‘Art’ is in the integration of all four aspects of Self >> Spirit, Mind, Heart + Body. The recipe for Manifestation.

Those who have Belief tend to Be more Resilient. + have Greater Capacity.