<< (Codex).
Codes. I Am Accountable. > I Am Authentic.
Covenants. I Am Infinite + Sovereign. > I Am Present + Aware. > I Know Nothing. > I Understand the 5D. > The Universe Conspires FOR Me. > My Words Matter.
Six (6) tiers of Limiting Beliefs.
Limiting Beliefs Six. Man-Made Constructs. > Compliance. > Coping. > Enforcement. > Reinforcement. > Resistance.
Limiting Beliefs Six. RESISTANCE.
Demand for Choice / Consent.
How Our Resistance Manifests, in response to How Our Compliance is Enforced + Reinforced.
Resistance to the Enforcement + Reinforcement of Compliance.
Resistance Reveals the Limitations of Culture.
Activism. Demonstration. Protest. Riot.
Election Fixing. Financial Crisis.
Bribery. Lobbying. Watchdog.
Coup d’Etât. Genocide.
Hacking. System Manipulation.
Violent Activism, Demonstration, Protest + Riot.
Conflict / Critical Theory.