<< (Codex).

Codes. I Am Accountable. > I Am Authentic.

Covenants. I Am Infinite + Sovereign. > I Am Present + Aware. > I Know Nothing. > I Understand the 5D. > The Universe Conspires FOR Me. > My Words Matter.

Limiting Beliefs. Man-Made Constructs. > Compliance. > Coping. > Enforcement. > Reinforcement. > Resistance.

Four (4) Living Tools.

Living Tools Three. My Spirit. > My Mind. > My Heart (I Believe). > My Body.

Living Tools Three. MY HEART (I BELIEVE).

Inner Knowing. Intuition.


  1. Belief.

  2. Clarity.

  3. Compassion.

  4. Desire.

  5. Emotional Intelligence.

  6. Empathy.

  7. Feeling.

  8. Happiness.

  9. High-Frequency.

  10. Humility.

  11. Intention.

  12. Intuition.

  13. Love.

  14. Non-Judgment.

  15. Passion.

  16. Patience.

  17. Trust.

  18. Vibration.

  19. Vulnerability.

  20. I Practice.
