Pure Relevance.

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Aegis Coven (Codex) :: A Blueprint for Living.


'You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way and the only way, it does not exist.' Friedrich Nietzsche.

'Don’t kill people with kindness, because not everyone deserves your kindness. Kill people with silence, because not everyone deserves your attention.' Anonymous.

So, You Know. In these polarizing times this early 21st Century AD, specific Words have adopted implications beyond their original intended use. Data + Technology are two in particular.

To be clear, I use these Words according to My Perspective of their original intended use. They are:

Data. Objective Truth, devoid of Bias + Judgement. On its own, it contains no meaning, beyond the Value We Receive it to Be.

Technology. Systems collectively co-creating improvements to Our Life Experience.

I invite you to keep My Perspectives of Data + Technology in Your Mind when reading further. My intention is to keep this Conversation as Curious, Objective + Open at all times.

To begin to articulate the Quantum is no easy feat. Cognitive Dissonance is its Number One barrier to entry. Based on the available Data in My Life Experience, the Quantum could perhaps be All About Perspective, since Perspective allows for greater Objectivity. Inclusive of the Seen, the Unseen + the space between. The thing about Perspective, I need Awareness to gain a greater one. As My Objectivity expands, I find myself less + less Anxious, Defensive or Fearful. + I find myself Not Needing to Know Everything. Since, I Know Nothing. Yet, to Be in the Quantum is all about Knowing + Understanding. The question remains: How do I Know what I Believe to be True?

The Aegis Coven (Codex) doesn’t intend on explaining the Quantum. It’s more to Show Me how to be more Human. This is Quantum. This is how the Universe operates (the Universe doesn’t actually operate: It just Is).

It makes Sense to Me. Without Judgement or feeling the Need To Be Right. However, My Perspective seems to include beliefs shared by most commonly-accepted Disciplines of Knowledge. All based on the available Data.

Each word, phrase, organization + layout of the Information I share carry Intention. Without Bias or Judgement, as the (Codex) gains Inclusivity, it achieves greater Objectivity. Less New Age or Radical, emphasizing Data + Objective Context, relevant to the Now. I share Perspectives with Intention + Purpose to articulate Quantum Patterns. I express these Patterns through Consistent Repition of the Data, as-is.

Consistent Repetition is Intentional for expressing credibility of My Technology. As when we learn annunciation + vernacular, we Speak Words, over + over. As when we Speak Affirmations, Mantras, Prayers, et al. Consistent Repetition is a pattern I use to develop My Mind.

As My Awareness Increases, I Understand You better. This is Technology, not Science. My Interest is in Authentic Connection + Objective Conversation. My Intention is in level-setting a Baseline for Global Understanding.  In achieving Objectivity with Others, I balance My Frequency + Vibration. The Foundation for which is rooted in Agreement + Alignment. This is not about Compliance; this is about Choice + the natural alchemy of Belief.

I invite You to take a step back, so We All have more Objective Conversation without Bias, Blame, Cognitive Dissonance, Complacency, Compliancy, Groupthink, Hubris, Judgement, Projection + Victimhood dancing in the background of Our Thoughts. These are yet other root causes of Our Problems on This Planet. It’s Too Much…and Too Much has its roots in Scarcity. The Eternal Search of Something, due to a Belief I Know Nothing. I have Choice in Everything I Do. It’s a matter of whether I’m able to See Choice in Everything I Do.

In Remembrance + Respect of the Deceptive, Defensive, Dismissive, Fearful + Judgmental aspects of My Ego. My User Experience is Easier + Lighter when I Expand My Awareness.